SCMT Utility Assistance Program is available to individuals and households who need financial assistance with their home energy costs in Middle Tennessee and their respective regions.

However generally, the demand for utility assistance is greater than resources’ availability, the SCMT Utility Assistance Program operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority is given based on an initial triage protocol to ensure that applicants experiencing a health and safety risk may be provided with timely assistance. We ensure our community who live in Middle Tennessee and nearby areas that they can sustain their resources with low income. We have a certain criterion to help the needy personnel after verification of required documents. We help them to pass their tough times and be more effective in future for the society and the country.

How do we assist Somali Community?

There are some factors applied to any individual who seeks
assistance and help to pay their utility expenses. After a firm verification, we
assist them with the following necessities:

  • Energy Bills Payment
  • Rental Payments
  • Children Education
  • Utility Fund
  • Sustainable Housing Benefit
  • Other extra Utility charges

Why should you choose SCMT?

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If you want more details of our services, let’s connect with our team. Or You can simply make a donation for the betterment of the Somali Community in Nashville.